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Emphasis Strength


KTJV is built on a foundation of recognizing, nurturing, and empowering the strengths  of its employee and our employees drives KTJV’s growth and innovation.

Home / Our Approach / Emphasis Strength

Optimize Capabilities

KTJV Implement a fair and transparent performance appraisal system that recognizes and rewards high achievers. Non-monetary rewards, such as public recognition, Company Paid International trip are Qtrly announced.

Recognize and Reward Performance

KTJV Provide continuous learning opportunities, workshops, and training programs to enhance employees' skills and knowledge. Encourage them to acquire new competencies relevant to their roles and career aspirations.

Training and Development

KTJV Implement performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess employee progress and organizational success. These data-driven insights make us informed to  make adjustments to our strategies.

Measure and Adjust

Ensure that employees have access to the necessary tools, technology, and resources to excel in their roles. Address any barriers or obstacles that hinder their productivity.

Provide Resources and Tool

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